Intro / North America / Ohio

Miscellaneous Travel

This is a picture of Lynsie overlooking Florence, Italy.

Barcelona. Madrid. Nashville. Amsterdam. Maybe even London. 2020 was going to be my year of travel. However– well, I don’t need to tell you how 2020 turned out. While I did make it to Charleston for my cousin’s wedding just before the world seemingly shut down, I spent far more time within my apartment than anywhere else.

Rosetta Stone sat mostly unused on my computer. Travel guides gathered dust on my bookshelf. I listened to travel podcasts and reminded myself that at least I’m saving money for an even bigger and better trip down the road, right?

And when that day comes, I thought, it would be cool to write about it. What better way to combine my love for exploring new places and my love for writing than to start a travel blog?

Here, I plan on sharing:

  • Engaging stories from Columbus and around the world
  • Travel itineraries, how-to guides, lists, and other helpful content
  • Reviews/recaps of events and attractions
  • Stories written by fellow writers and travelers

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

I hope you’ll follow along!