North America / Ohio / Places

Winter Weekend at Mohican State Park

Cabin at Mohican State Park in Ohio.

For the past few years, each December, my husband and I try to take a small trip before the holidays. We’ve either been in school or working at one so it’s a nice celebration to the end of the semester and some fun and relaxation before the holiday season.

As we planned our 2020 trip, we debated on what we could do that was still safe with COVID-19. We wanted to stay relatively close to Columbus, OH (where we lived at the time) and limit our interactions with other people. We landed on taking a trip to Mohican State Park.

Although we’ve been to this area before, last time we stayed at Landoll’s Mohican Castle and mostly stayed inside due to a snowstorm that came through. We didn’t have the proper warm clothing for hiking with us so we spent most of our time that trip reading and relaxing in our suite. My husband may also have seen a ghost while staying at Landoll’s, but that’s a story for another time! Looking for a different experience this time around (and hopefully with no ghosts), I found a cute and cozy cabin that we booked for three nights.

Where we stayed: Mohican Springs Cabin

  • I have so many awesome things to say about this cabin! It was beautiful and everything we needed on this trip. The owners were helpful and provided an entire binder of information about the area and everything you could do.
  • We could access two hiking trails from the property so once we arrived at our cabin, we didn’t get in our vehicle again until we left! It also had a full kitchen so we brought all of our own food and ate all our meals at the cabin during our stay.
  • In the evenings, we read, watched movies, and relaxed! We also enjoyed some drinks and a few of our favorite snacks from Trader Joe’s (i.e. wine and pimento cheese dip with crackers).

Hikes we took:

Ryan standing at Lyon Falls trail head at Mohican State Park in Ohio.
Lyon Falls trail head

Lyons Falls Hiking Trail

  • We started our hike at the Pleasant Hill Dam and it included Little Lyons Falls and Big Lyons Falls. We turned around at the Mohican Covered Bridge. Including our walk from the cabin, it was right around 5 miles total.
  • Overall, this trail was an easy to moderate hike. The steps to the falls were a little icy, but our boots had good traction.
  • We saw a few people here and there, but it definitely was not crowded! The trail is also dog friendly. I, of course, had to say hello to a golden retriever pup we passed along the way.

Pleasant Hill Lake at Mohican State Park in Ohio.
Pleasant Hill Lake

Bridle Trail (North of the cabin near Pleasant Hill Lake)

  • We loved this trail and hike so much! The loop we took was a little over 7.5 miles. We hiked through the woods, alongside Pleasant Hill Lake, and through Fern Hollow.
  • There were some spots where the terrain was a little bumpy and the trail was narrow, steep, and muddy so I would say it was a moderate to difficult hike.
  • We did not come across any other hikers on this trail and it was such a peaceful hike. While hiking through Fern Hollow it started snowing with the biggest flakes and it was such an awesome experience! We also saw a bald eagle fly across the lake and a few deer running near the trail.

Things to consider:

  • Waterproof hiking boots and wool socks were our best friends! Parts of the trails were wet and muddy because of the snow, but our feet stayed dry and warm with them!
  • Layers are so important when hiking in the winter! We layered so well that we actually took off our top layers minutes after we started hiking. I am always one that would rather be safe than sorry.
  • The steps on the trail for Lyons Falls were a little icy from the snow so that’s something to be mindful of before you go out! Our boots had good traction and we just slowly went down the stairs holding onto the rails.

If you’re looking for a safe and nearby getaway, I would definitely recommend taking a trip to Mohican State Park. Even in the colder weather months, there are still ways you can explore. We felt so refreshed after relaxing and connecting with nature!

Big Lyon Falls at Mohican State Park in Ohio.
Big Lyon Falls